Wednesday, September 14, 2011


!9# Beneficial

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The insects that are harmful to your garden, can be extremely difficult to eliminate or even control. But the good news is that every harmful insect, a predator or parasite, and has fueled the attacks, known as beneficial insects, and there are many steps you can take, may promote their presence in your garden.

If you learn to work with these machines small natural pest control, will be the task of your garden healthy and rich, much easier and more fun. SoNote the following tips and remember that just because an insect looks bad, it could still be your best friend when it comes to the health of your garden.

Scrabble 1 soldier aphids, caterpillars, corn rootworms, cucumber beetles, grasshoppers and eggs is the preferred food of adults and larvae of these beetles common. The adults are thin, flat and 1 / 3 to 1/2-inch long. The larvae have the same shape, but are covered with hair.

Spiders 2: they are one of theeasily identifiable insect predators around. Most people who kill spiders at first glance, but it is not really necessary. Spiders rarely bite humans, but they are tireless hunters of all types of pests inside the house and garden.

The flies fly Tachinid 3: These flies have a fly-sized tummy very bright orange, black, head and chest, with a rim of short hairs blacks around the hind legs. Tent of caterpillars, Armyworms, corn borers, cutworms, stinkbug, as feedand other parasites.

4 lacewings: This 1 / 2 to 3 / 4 inch green or brown insects have soft bodies and transparent wings. The spindle-shaped crocodile-like, yellowish or brown larvae feed on a wide range of soft-bodied pests like aphids, scale, thrips, caterpillars and mites. The striking, bright green oval eggs on the ends of their broad, thin handle sitting on the undersides of leaves.

5 Lady Beetles / Lady Bugs: Both adults and larvae preysoft-bodied pests, mites and mealy bugs.

6 Tiger Beetles: A variety of colors and fancy 1 / 2 to 3 / 4 inch beetles feed on a variety of larvae in the soil.

7 Trichogramma: small as a pencil tip to inject these parasitic wasps lay their eggs in the eggs of over 200 species of moths. Their larvae eat the host.

8 Yellow Jackets: These insects take the flies, caterpillars, grasshoppers and larvae of many of yourGarden for children.

9 hoverflies: Adults look like yellow jackets and are vital pollinators. The real error in household consumption are brownish or greenish caterpillar larvae as they have an appetite for aphids, beetles, caterpillars, sawflies and thrips.

Wasps 10 Ichneumonidae: a valuable ally in the control of caterpillars and other larvae harmful to distinguish the numerous dark adult wasps in size from less than 1 inch to 1 / 2 inches. They have long antennae andlong spawning appendix called ovipositor, which are easily confused with thorns. Adults require a constant source of nectar flowers door to survive.

11 minute pirate bugs: These errors have a voracious appetite for soft-bodied pests such as thrips, corn earworms, aphids and mites. Adults are 1 / 4 inches long, a little 'oval and black with white wings. The fast-moving, immature nymphs are yellow-orange to brown in color and teardrop shape.

12Rove: These beetles, which look like scissors without power tong, soil-borne pests such as root worm eggs, larvae and pupae. In the climate mild and humid, but also eat snails and snail eggs.

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Welcome to encourage beneficial insects in your garden and the ones you buy are subject to, approximately, by taking a few simple but important steps.

1 Buy beneficial insects that are not already in your garden mail order suppliers garden.

2 Holdthe use of broad-spectrum insecticides. In short, aimed at a broad spectrum insecticide, by definition, all insects, good and bad. Even some organic insecticides such as rotenone and pyrethrins are toxic to beneficial organisms. In addition, beneficial insects more susceptible to insecticides such as parasites, because, as predators and parasites, they move more frequently and leaf surfaces are in contact with the insecticides most often.

3 Aconsider a variety of insects, plant many different types of plants in your garden. Different types of plants such as evergreens, and in various sizes and shapes. A mixture of trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals in the garden offer many opportunities for food and hiding places.

4 It 'important to provide a water source for beneficial insects. A shallow birdbath or dish with rocks and water should be near the garden to work well. But remember to change the water regularlydiscourage mosquito breeding.


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